Our fight for justice is more urgent than ever. Learn more

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Have your civil rights been violated?

Fill out this short form to request legal assistance from our team of top-notch attorneys. Our intake team will review your inquiry and respond promptly. Please note: we have received reports of technical difficulties with our questionnaire. If you are experiencing these issues, feel free to send your information to [email protected] instead. 

    Intake Questionnaire

    All questionnaires will be treated confidentially; we will not share or sell information about you. We will only use your email address to respond to you directly. This form is for use by the Washington Lawyers’ Committee to evaluate your request for assistance. It does not mean that we have agreed to represent you. You are still responsible for any filing deadlines.

    Please understand that the Washington Lawyers’ Committee receives many requests for assistance each day. Therefore, it may take one to two weeks for someone from our organization to respond to your inquiry. We appreciate your patience.

    * Required

    contact information



    Defend Our Civil Rights

    Mass deportations. Violent attacks on peaceful protesters. Crackdowns on dissent.

    The Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights is on the frontlines of our nation's justice battles.

    Our fight for justice is more urgent than ever.
    We need you with us.